We provide many colors, you can check the options in our category. Besides, we also offer custom color coating.
Yes. We provide free samples, but you need to pay for the delivery fee.
Yes. It would be great if you could send us the original digital document of your logo.
Typically, the production will be finished in 15 working days.
Aikou is a factory and we prefer a long-term corporation. So we will always offer the most favorite price for you.
The shipping fee is according to your delivery location, shipping terms, etc.
We have over 100 items and it seems not be possible to send them all. You can check the regular size in our category or ask our customer service for help.
It depends on the quantity of your order. Typically, for the big order, our mold is for free.
You can ask our team to find suitable products for you, or customize an ideal one.
It depends on which product you need.
Most of our products can be used in the microwave oven. About this, you can check here to know more.
To most of the regular production lines, our heat-sealing products are able to suffer from being autoclaved and steamed. It will be better to discuss the details with our team.